A statement that Phizzy made on Jonathan Drake's thread on flyers gave me the following ideas.
We should make a flyer on the issue of the Watchtower pedophilia issue written with the object of alerting the public about the JW door to door activity. Phizzy suggested the title, "The Paedophile at your door".
On that flyer should be the contact information of our most informed member on the subject who's willing to talk to the media. Barbara Anderson perhaps?
We should organize as many from JWD as are willing to participate in distributing this flyer. Each individual could distribute at least a 1,000 leaflets to middle class neighborhoods. Such distribution should be coordinated to start on the same day. Any media attention that would arise would be referred to our spokesman/woman as mentioned above. Our designated spokesperson should be prepared to be interviewed by any of a dozen local news stations.
With a few dozen participants nationwide in the US as well as Canada, Britain and Australia we might be able to create a lasting impact.
In order to make the best impression possible careful attention should be spent on the drafting of the flyer. It should be simple and take up no more than one page. References to interviews on You Tube should be made in the hope of making the video go viral.
Any other ideas?